Monday, November 30, 2009

Let's Say Thanks

Let's Say Thanks
Click link to send a FREE card to support our soldiers overseas!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

I Corinthians 13:4-9

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.”

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1co137c.jpg (JPEG Image, 409x600 pixels)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Emotional Maelstrom

Ok, so my husband dumped me. I could say he left me and the kids, but that's not quite the way it went. I actually came down and have been staying at my mom's for about a month. I came down, contrary to his thought, because I felt it was best for the kids. Now they are all getting their therapies (speech, OT, PT, ABA), Angel's doing awesome in homeschool!! She actually completed an entire quarter of spelling in less than 2 weeks, and is doing the same thing roughly in a couple other subjects! She did her first quarter of science even faster, it was finished in 1 week! But anyway, with no income except the child support/ssi on the kids, it was impossible for them to make it back and forth to PC for therapy, doctors, etc. They just aren't available where we lived. Plus, living with the house falling down, no stove, a wood heater ruined by being left in the rain all year.... it added up pretty heavy on me. At least pick up your own trash and throw it away... hanging out a load of laundry I washed would have made me happier than a lark... having to rewash the same load 7 times because it wouldn't get hung out, and after 2 days soured... and the nastiness when trying nicely to ask multiple times to get it done... yeah, I came down here. I hoped it would make him figure out that he really needed to change some things... not even for me, for the kids' sake. Instead, he's been angry, nasty, and hurtful for the most part. I understand it hurt him that I wouldn't just 'come home', and I am sorry for this... but I have to do what I feel is better for the kids. I love him, more than I can say, and it is unconditional. I loved the few days at the beginning of the month when things were looking up, and we spent time together. I miss his warm, secure body in bed, to use as a giant pillow... I miss the closeness of talking to someone who knows me thru and thru... and someone who's been with me thru the worst part of my life when Tigger was born... and I am afraid of losing him permanently... I still have to put the kids first. It hurts, and I ask God why? Why is this happening, why are things this way? What is the purpose in this? What have I done wrong, what can I do, what should I have done? I cry, alone in the church, alone in the car, alone at night... but not where the kids will ever see. They are insecure as it is, and I don't want to foster that along. I would give anything to have him talking to me, joking with me, listening to me... I miss him.
I know this post is personal, and not religious or freedom related. Sorry for that, but this is a blog for everything I see, think, feel, hear, or do. I feel this is important to post, if for no other reason than to expiate some of my overwhelming feelings and fears.
Forever Truth

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Belmont Abbey denies insurance coverage for abortion

PLEASE, go send the ecard saying "I'm Proud of You" to Belmont Abbey College. They are a rather small college, which refuses to pay for insurance coverage of such atrocities as abortion.
Also, consider joining, and looking at the rest of America Needs Fatima site!
America Needs Fatima - Current Campaigns Introductions