Monday, October 11, 2010

The End?

Jason worked the fair, as usual this year. Unusually, I got the chance to tear down. I can't say how much I miss working set up and tear down. During the week, I like being in a ticket box, not running a ride. I've worked rides, and games, and Given a choice, I'd work a game first, rather than a ride... you make more money. But a ticket box is my nirvana.This week, I ran kids around the midway. We missed setup, as Jason got the dates wrong, which meant we also missed opening day. Opening day we were at the dr's. The next day was Angel and Cloud. I walked the entire midway at least 50 times, no joke. Cloud is 4, but he's not into the 'baby' rides. He loves things like Alpine Bob's, Cliffhanger, and Starship.They did spend a fair amt of time on the Wacky Worm, too. Jason worked on the Vertigo the first 2 days. The second day I had Angel and Tigger. Tigger loves Alpine Bob's. He was too little to slip onto many other rides, though, so he was stuck with baby rides. Next day was Angel and Jackson, Jackson went on Alpine Bob's, and kiddie rides, then he got tired, so I took him home, brought Cloud back out. Next day was Angel and Beau. Beau was big enough to ride almost everything, including the Zipper. To his credit he didn't puke. He did hit his head, though, and wanted off. He'd have rode the entire time except for that. Took him back home and Cloud came out again, on teardown night. Every night, was the same, walking the entire midway at least 50 times...  When it came time to shut down on tear down, I left Angel babysitting Cloud behind the Wacky Worm, which Jason worked on the last few days. I went to teardown Bobby's Merry Go Round. I think I did good, it was down in about 3 hours. Woohoo, a whole 22 dollars. I remember when you'd get 60 for tearing down if you were green help. I am not exactly green help, but I am town help. I couldn't find anything else to help on after that, which depressed me. Jason was still working around on stuff with Freddy Fowler. Then we found out he only got paid $200 for the week! Bobby paid him as he paid the other green help, which pissed me off. He should have gotten more, considering he was there at least 10 hours a day every damn day. At the end, we got into a huge, embarrassing, public fight, with him screaming and ranting at me that I only wanted to stay out there all week because I was worried about him messing around on me. That hurt, bad. I was out there because I MISSED it, and because we've always been together, and I've wandered around. I thought he was happy to see us wandering past every so often, seeing the kids loving the ride he was working... He screamed all sorts of things at me that hurt, from the fact that I'm not a parent, and don't take care of my kids, which is most true, him and my mom do, I spend more of my time sick or not doing great... I know he resents that, and hates me for it. It scares me, that if I have the back surgery to help fix my long term pain issues, and have the year long recovery, which usually includes 6 mos in a wheelchair, that he'll hate me more for that. I know he hates that I am this way, I didn't ask to be physically screwed up, it was given to me free of charge.
Here I am at 5am, typing away my pain and anguish, when all I really want is to crawl into bed next to him, and feel his warm body, his arms holding me, so I know I'm loved and cared for...

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